

There are many different designs and materials you can use to make a dragon fruit trellis.
I have put together some ideas I have found from friends and dragon fruit growing forums. 
  • 5 min read
Popping pink pitaya cup cake recipe.
  • 2 min read

This is a quick blog on how to train dragon fruit cuttings .

When you pot up your dragon fruit some will produce a many branches. It is best to focus your plants energy into 1 or 2.

  • 1 min read
Healthy vegan dragon fruit smoothie recipe
  • 1 min read
Hand pollination of dragon fruit flowers is often done to improve fruit set and yield. Dragon fruit (pitaya or pitahaya) plants belong to the Cactaceae family, and their flowers typically rely on nocturnal pollinators like moths and bats for natural pollination. However, in certain situations, hand pollination can be beneficial for several reasons:
  • 2 min read
At Rare Dragon Fruit we do not just have our plants growing in pots in a sterile backyard and we do not practice monoculture as a lot of single farm crops do. 
  • 3 min read
The term "Mango Flower Beetle" is not specific, and there may be various beetles or insects that are commonly associated with mango crops but they do directly impact dragon fruit plants.
  • 3 min read

How does Gypsum work and what is it ?

There has been talk in the dragon fruit growing community about the use of gypsum to encourage the flowering of your dragon fruit plant. 


  • 2 min read

Here is a list of Pitaya / Dragon Fruit varieties grown in The USA.

There is a easy to follow table with the dragon fruits listed and their origin, pollenation needs, weight, colour, flavour and recommendation. 

Enjoy reading 

  • 1 min read

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a tropical fruit that requires specific conditions for successful commercial cultivation.

Here's a general guideline for growing dragon fruit commercially

  • 3 min read
Easy to follow dragon fruit growing instructions.
  • 0 min read
Growing dragon fruit on a tree can be a unique and visually appealing approach to cultivating these cacti.
  • 1 min read
