


How do you Post plants?

When people ask, ''what do you do''? I say I run an online nursery and post plants. I always get the same response- ''How do you post a plant''?
Well, this is how we do it, with great care, lots of trial and error, sometimes  a few swear words may be uttered.
We wrap all our plants in moist newspaper and biodegradable bags. 
posting plants
Newspaper pots
Some times make our own newspaper pots that fit our stocked plants exactly.
For this we need lots of newspaper, so a few days after the local paper has been delivered I take a walk around the neighborhood and collect all the discarded newspapers that will never make it through the front door of the home. This also saves them from being washed into drains and into the ocean as most are wrapped in plastic.
This is very simple. All I use is some old jars and vitamin containers that are a similar size to the pot, (It needs to be straight that's why using the pot doesn't work.)
A stapler to hold it all together ( this will rust away in time)
Use 1-2 sheets of newspaper per pot this will depend on the size.
Things to Consider-
* Quarantine restrictions- No post to WA, NT & TAS
* Type of plant - Some just don't post well. I won't post papaya for this reason
* Time delays in post. eg long weekends, Christmas
* Always have tracking - 1 in every 200-300 will go missing
* Express Post is always the best option.
