When you receive plants in the mail there are a few steps you need to follow to make sure your plant recovers from its travel.
We use express post and only post on Mondays to try to minimise the length of time in the box.

Follow these simple steps to care for your new plant.
- Unwrap
- Give a little drink of water or even better water with a touch of Eco seaweed.
- Leave inside for a day (you need to wake your plant up slowly, you wouldn't like the bedroom light being turned on when you have been in a deep sleep.)
- Day 2, move into dappled / filtered sunlight.
- Keep in the pot for a week to 2 weeks before transplanting. This is one of the biggest mistakes made, we all get a bit excited and want to plant straight away.
- Prepare your planting site 1-2 weeks prior. Mulch, compost and water to give your plant the best chance a well-prepared bed will help your plant grow stronger and healthier.
- Pick your day for planting. Overcast days with rain forecasts are my favourite time to plant. There's no point baking new plants in the hot sun on a dry day.