Milo is a relative new gardener who is interested in learning with the aim to become self sufficient. She is based in Pasadena near Adelaide.
Milo has grown her own dragon fruit plants from seeds and was gifted some dragon fruit cuttings. Thank you for sharing you dragon fruit journey.
What suburb and state are you located?
Pasadena, SA. Foothills. Can be windy.

How long have you been an avid gardener for?
I have been trying to grow a garden since 2002 when I had a house with space. Started with fruit trees and vegetables.
What is your history with gardening and horticulture?
I moved in April last year and have established a reasonable garden by removing most inedible plants (have natives over my back fence), now have 9 fruits trees, citrus and stone fruits. A variety of small vegetable plots, round and a small section of bottomless round planters with berries. They are all now into their second year and mostly doing well. I am learning from my mum and neighbours who are experienced gardeners. I'm also a member of diggers club to learn as much as I can. I want to be self sustainable
What drew you to Dragon fruit?
I loved the colour and appearance of the fruit. I prefer the red flesh (from he store bought varieties). I have purchased home grown white flesh from a local who sells on marketplace and they are amazing flavour.

Can you please walk me through your history with dragon fruit?
I have only had an interest for the past 12 months. I had purchased a few white flesh from my local store and then the red flesh came out I purchased one. Once I realised how much I paid for that red flesh fruit I was inspired to try and grow my own. I have grown the red ones from seed and have lost a few on the way. Out of the 36 plants I have 2 really strong, around 8 that are doing fine, but growth is slower and the rest are struggling with rust and rot. All grown in a green house and same soil, pots treatment.
I have two white flesh cuttings I was given by my sister as a gift. They are in a 60cm pot, with a polly pipe trellis that I built, covered in coconut fibre sheeting. These are doing very well.

I also was offered for free, cuttings after a made a post about my seedlings.
I have had them in pots for about 4 months. They have been in a greenhouse until 2 weeks ago. I have 2 x Isis Gold (small amount of rust on 1, both have tiny roots and have sent out air roots), 2 x Jade red (small amount of rot on tip, tiny root on bottom, doing ok both have small rust spots but I'm not fussed as nowhere near what the seedlings have.), 3 x scotts purple (small amount of rot on one tip, looks like tiny roots are forming, but struggling), 2 x red delight (lost one completely due to rust and rot, other one is not happy, has just formed a tiny root, looks like it is going to rot out all over, but im hopeful.),
What was your 1st dragon fruit experience eating?I was so excited and I love them. I love the light flavour, texture (prefer the juiciness of home grown), love how good they are for digestion.
What was your 1st dragon fruit experience growing? Growing the red store bought from seed.
What is your Favorite variety and why?
I have only eaten the white and red flesh store bought and don't know what it they are called. Prefer the red flesh.
Best tip for growing dragon fruit. Biggest no, no for growing dragon fruit.
I'm not experienced enough to answer, but I do know, they are moody. No plant is the same despite being from the same parent plant. Growing from cuttings is way easier than from seed. Some types are better in my climate than others.
Biggest challenge for growing dragon fruit you have had?
Keeping them alive
How do you fertilize?
With epson salts and seaweed solution.
How many varieties do you currently have?
What soil did you pot your cutting in?
Standard potting mix with lightweight cactus growing additive. Can't remember the name right now.