'Bacon' (B)
Choquette' (A)
'Edranol' (B)
Fuerte' (B)
'Hass' (A)
'Hazzard' (A)
'Lamb Hass' (A)
'Linda' (A)
'Pinkerton' (A)
'Reed' (A)
'Rincon' (A)
'Sharwil' (B)
'Shepard' (B)
Wurtz' (A)

How to Prune & Maintain an Avocado Tree
Prune after your tree has fruited. Try to open up the middle to provide good airflow.
Winter is a good time but this will also depend on the variety.
Seed grown avocado
Avocados can be easily grown from seed but with all seeds they may not be true to type.
Seed avocado plants will begin growing fruit after they're three or four years old, others take 15+ years .
Grafted Avocados
Grafting is the process of combining multiple plants into one.
The Scion and Rootstock
The scion is the piece of a piece of the mother plant that is grafted onto the rootstock.
Chosen for its high-quality fruit.
Rootstock is the fruit plant that provides the roots and lower trunk.A variety that grows well, is resistant to local disease and adapted to a variety soil types
How to Buy trees
We have a pre order list of grafted fruit trees. We order every 3 month. These are for local pick up and delivery in the Agnes Water region.