An attractive annual bushy shrub with flowers and fruit used to give colour and flavour to jams, fruit punches, sauces and desserts.
A relative of the hibiscus family, best grown in rich soil in a sunny position.
We like to use the red calax (fruit petals) in salad or eaten fresh
- Hardy annual
- Impressive backdrop
- Easy to grow
Full sun
Sow direct where they are to grow. Firm down, water gently and keep moist through the germination period.
Choose a warm, sunny, well-drained position sheltered from the wind. Add Yates Blood & Bone before planting. Keep free from weeds and keep well watered. A
Remove spent blooms to prolong flowering. Cut flowers are best picked before they are too old.
All items are posted on a Monday Express post, with Australia Post. If Monday is a public holiday they will be sent the Tuesday or the following Monday depending on the destination. We aim to deliver healthy and happy plants :)
No posting to WA, NT and TAS due to biosecurity