1 Bare rooted sprouted coconut
Coconut Palms are one of the most recognisable plants of the tropics.
The nut (which is really the endocarp of a drupe, not a true nut) is used around the world in cooking, cosmetics, textiles, cleaning products and even in potting mix!
Although an easy palm to grow, for the most part, Coconut Palms are somewhat cold-sensitive. They will not tolerate frost or prolonged conditions in single-digit temperatures.
The furtherest south we have seen growing is Woolgoolga (near Coffs Harbour )in a sheltered microclimate.
Queensland coastal areas are fine as long as it remain frost-free.
Coconut Palms are also not fond of being wet and soggy during cold weather.
Reduce watering over winter and move potted plants to warmer positions.
Coconut Palms are tough and durable plants for outdoors.
Likes full or part shade, and are well adapted to put up with high winds, salt spray and coastal exposure.
As landscaping plants, they are best used as tall feature plants. They don’t have much use as a screening plant once they mature. Regular Coconut Palms can grow quite tall, up to 10m or more in this climate. I
Coconut Palms are generally pest-free, but may attract mealybug, scale and aphids, especially in hot humid weather. This is generally easy to treat. Damping off or collar rot are potential issues during cold wet weather.

- Tropical gardens
- Feature plant
- Shade tree
- Coastal areas
- Edible gardens
- Potted specimen
Full sun to part shade
Rich, well-drained soil
Keep much drier over winter.
Use quality fertilizer
Likes a bucket of slat water every so often
- Iconic beach palm look
- Yellow/orange leaf spines
- Edible fruit