Imported by a rare fruit tree importer who imported a lot of the rare tropical fruit plants for FNQ,
Sourced from the Atherton tableland
Large pink fruit with white flesh
White flower Not sure if self pollenating as we have not tested but did set fruit easy.
The first fruit was 400g on a 8 month old plant we expect a bigger and better flavour next year. (April 24)
The second year produced fruit that were 500g and this was in Feb 25
Brix 13.6 the first year the second year 14.3
A refreshing sweet with tangy hints lime tones
Plant into an excellent quality potting mix to a depth of 2-3 cm
Your dragon fruit will be marked with an arrow, plant ^ Arrow points up to the sky.
Regular Fertilizer
Water once the soil has dried out.
Once rooted transfer onto a post.
For more information check out some of our blogs.
Plant Sizes: These are available in 20cm cuttings.